Table Settings

For a number of years ‘Select Society’ has provided ‘table settings’, in a variety of forms and styles, at historic houses and for the TV and Film industries.

Either as part of a wider presentation, as in the case of ‘The Honours of the Table’ (which details Georgian dining practices), or as a separate undertaking, as in the case of the provision of period games and activities. In whatever guise, the quality of our settings as always attracted favourable comment!

In the case of ‘dining practices’, a very considerable quantity of silver, porcelain, and glassware is utilised in the recreation of a dinner table and a ‘sideboard’, as it would have been set during the late Georgian and Regency period. We have our own extensive collection of period accurate tableware and, whilst some are modern recreated items, many are antique. Whether as a backdrop to a themed dinner (where it has been used to good effect in hotels and period room settings) or as ‘props’ used to demonstrate table setting, it makes for a splendid sight!

With regard to ‘games’, we provide Georgian and Victorian themed activities, drawing upon our collection of period authentic items; enabling the public/guests to learn and play!

Either as an after-dinner activity, or as part of a period themed Ball, it has been used to good effect at various locations: the Victoria and Albert Museum, the Assembly Rooms at Bath, the Guildhall at Bath, Danson House in Bexley Heath, Kingston Maurward in Dorset etc.

On such occasions our Interpreters perform the role of ‘Games Masters’; being in costume and character, instructing guests in the playing of such games as Whist, Loo, Hazard, Tee-Totum, Quotes, Table Skittles, etc etc. In each instance ‘Select Society’ supplies ALL necessary items.’

Please Note: Appearances are covered by a comprehensive policy of public liability insurrance, details on request.