Sir Joseph Scott

‘Sir Joseph Scott’ – A Regency Dandy: ‘Scott’, a Baronet and the MP for Worcester, is a midland landowner and a spend thrift! He has worked his way through a very considerable fortune in the pursuit of pleasure; high fashion, the excitement of the card table, and the solace of the bottle, are the key features of his life!

The presentation, which is set within the period 1811 – 1820, deals with the nature of life and society during the turbulent years of the Regency; drawing upon the events of the war with France, the impact of the Industrial Revolution, the illness of George III, and the excesses of the Prince Regent!

The presentation, which is supported by a considerable range of items, illustrative of the period, and ‘Sir Joseph’s’ station in life, is suitable for an interior location and particularly favours a historic room setting.